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Extended Validation Certificate for my online store

Today I have made the final improvement on my online store —- the Extended Validation Certificate.

Basically, not only transactions from my online store is encrypted and secure, all content, all images, referring links are now encrypted. Besides, my operating company has also been verified by

So now if you type [url][/url] in the web browser, you will a green address bar like this:

While compared with other websites:
Heraldsun looks like this:

Fishpond’s general page:

and Fishpond’s login page:

ANZ bank:

To have secure/green address bar for my store, I have to be verified by the Internet authority on domain ownership as well as operating company ownership. ASIC record was pulled and checked. My CPA was asked to sign an assessment letter. I wish this can boost some buyer confidence for my new store.


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Introducing dual-layer transformer faction insignia stickers


I have imported some transformers faction stickers, like this:

It is A4 size, including many different types. The white area on the paper are white symbols can be used on dark/black toys. It also have transparent background and white background ones.

And this is dual layer stickers. Upper layer is what you use scissors to cut on and handle around. Lower layer is the actual symbol sticker what will reside on toys. Lower layer is already in perfect shape done by the factory.

Here are some what I tested on my own toys.
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