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Haslab Liokaiser Minimum Funding Goal has Been Achieved Before Orders Open in Japan

As predicted yesterday, the US/Canada market alone bringing the Haslab Liokaiser halfway to being funded did indeed mean that the main goal would be achieved when lumping in the international orders. It turns out China alone added an additional 5000 orders, confirming that Liokaiser was going to happen. However, it is yet to be fully funded, since there are still all the extra tiers to unlock. The crazy thing is that orders haven’t gone up in Japan yet. As of right now, there are 11380 backers … View the full news story on by clicking here.As predicted yesterday, the US/Canada market alone bringing the Haslab Liokaiser halfway to being funded did indeed mean that the main goal would be achieved when lumping in the international orders. It turns out China alone added an additional 5000 orders, confirming that Liokaiser was going to happen. However, it is yet to be fully funded, since there are still all the extra tiers to unlock. The crazy thing is that orders haven’t gone up in Japan yet. As of right now, there are 11380 backers … View the full news story on by clicking here.

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