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Notice: about the decision to re-promote pre-orders and update on our pre-order policy

Hi all,

In the past two months, I have been trying to develop the operation in a way that we would not require pre-order. Instead, I was planning simply to import inventory that based on an estimate (guess) of local demand. However, this method made my import less efficient to meet demand, on the other hand, I still receive the inquiry on pre-orders. Therefore, we decided to resume pre-order method and updated our pre-order accordingly.

The main updates are:

  • for Pre-orders under the new policy, we only charge $5, refundable before ordered item depart its country of origin;
  • we will use pre-order links for four different types of transactions, which are 1) official release (guaranteed); 2) official release (luck-based); 3) restocking pre-order; 4) to-be-delivered item pre-sales;
  • we will not provide pre-order price anymore since you won’t be able to know our total import cost until item arrive;
  • due to the reason above, you will only cover brands that we are confident to provide good prices. These brands are DX9, Fans Hobby, Fans Toys, Iron Factory, Generation Toy, Gigapower, KFC, Mech Planet, Open and Play, Perfect Effect, TFC, TFM, Unique Toys, Zeta Toys etc. What we will NOT cover in future is Maketoys and Planet X, unless we find a new way to import them cheaper.

Pre-order is not necessary however we do appreciate pre-orders from our customers because they give our business much more certainty and help us from over-stocking inventory.





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Pricing update – Aussie Dollar value increased against Chinese Yuan

Since Savier’s Toy started, our life have not been easy. The falling Aussie Dollar against Chinese Yuan caused us increasing some price of several toys. We started out business around 1AUD=5.20CNY and down to the lowest 1AUD=4.96CNY, which may appear negligible on deluxe toys, but will definitely change some combiner set from “affordable” to not.

Lucky today we see Aussie Dollar had a small return in the past few days. We finger cross this trend can continue to 2018.

What I am super happy right now is my final price on delayed UT Peru Kill will not be based on 4.96, it’s passed.

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Toy updates – weekly 5th Nov 2017

Hi all,

Another Sunday, and Yes! FT Koot is coming. By the time you are reading this newsletter, they will have arrived logistic hub in Humen Town.

What are new in stock

We have received:
Very good value box set, but sadly, none of them survived from crushing during transport (while 3rd Party boxes are just fine). I guess next time I will need wooden cases for Hasbro stuff. Thx for our customers now they are all gone except one left. If you do like the Magnus Prime figure and are still looking for God Bomber, I have one last stock in good condition to go. 🙂
The most important is, this is not just boring sports car turning into robot. He is brainmaster, remember? And TFC had put this into design. And in car mode, he is bigger than MP Sideswipe!
While digging my supplier’s inventory record, I found this, imported two boxes. To be accurate, this is not THS-02B, but THS-02 Asia Exclusive. After we have been playing 3rd Party toys for so many years, do not expect the 2004 design to be mindblowing. However, with $65, you will have “everything”, trailer turning into repair bay, back rocket, roller etc.
This photo tells everything. It’s bigger and no wheels on butt, for only $66.


IDW style Megatron, MP size, with frosted plastic surface and special designed stand. Price is not very good I know, I tried my best. 🙁
Finally arrived. $96


New preorders

Nothing new, there are a bunch of Iron Factory preorders, I was just too lazy to put on. But this one:
This is going to be next hot figure I guess, because my supplier put me on preorder quota. I have 2 spots left. Don’t say “I am not into bayformer” yet. Take a look on youtube video review, you might change your mind!

What are on the way

Still on the way; they are in the mighty hands of Aussie Custom now.
The 2nd figure of Road Caesar.
People are saying this is better than Ginrai version. However, this is designed for Takara version of Ultra Magnus, you might see slightly colour mismatch to your Hasbro one, mainly in white colour area and wheels. But don’t worry, I have Takara Ultra Magnus imported too. 🙂

and more

What was sold out

Hard to restock now, have to wait until FT’s next round.
All Yes Model coneheads.
Temporarily out of stock, new ones on the way
Temporarily out of stock, planned to import more.


Thanks for reading, have a nice week.

