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Next Studio Series 86 Junkion Leaked Images

Thanks to an Ebay listing, we have our first leaked look at the next Studio Series 86 Junkion. This junkion is another retool of Wreck Gar, giving us our 3rd unique voyager motorcycle junkion, and just in time to add to your expanding junkion hordes thanks to the Legacy subgroup. This one is patterned after another one of the generic junkions from the 86 movie.

It is anticipated that this junkion will be among the Studio Series reveals to come next month.

Check out the images below, … View the full news story on by clicking here.Thanks to an Ebay listing, we have our first leaked look at the next Studio Series 86 Junkion. This junkion is another retool of Wreck Gar, giving us our 3rd unique voyager motorcycle junkion, and just in time to add to your expanding junkion hordes thanks to the Legacy subgroup. This one is patterned after another one of the generic junkions from the 86 movie.

It is anticipated that this junkion will be among the Studio Series reveals to come next month.

Check out the images below, … View the full news story on by clicking here.

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